Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Reading to Learn it: Chapters 1-3

Notes for Reading

Chapter 1
Science seeks explanation to everyday questions.


  • teaching what to do when you don't know the answer, 
  • science thinking skill=tools to discovery
Science is a way of knowing, explanations of the natural world, uses evidence to support it's clains.  
  • systematic quest
  • dynamic body of knowledge generated through a systematic quest for explanations
Body of knowledge:  
  • energy can change form
  • Matter can change form
  • magnetic poles repel each other
Inquiry Processing

Descriptive                              Explanatory                           Experimental 
Questioning.                            hypothesizing.                        predicting
Classifying                              inferring                                  identifying
Comparing                              interpretive                             communicating
                                                                                                controlling variables

Scientific Method
Science as a set of value
  1. truth
  2. freedom
  3. skepticism
  4. order
  5. originality
  6. communication
Scientific method is taught appropriately to the grade level, and will always reverse back around; reassessing. 

Chapter 2. How Children Learn Science
  • Science is a way of knowing based on evidence-seeking explanations based on evidence
  • children come to you with prior knowledge about science
  • science is a progression
  • children learn science by doing science
  • there is variation in the rate of cognitive development among children.
  • Constructivism is a theory of human learning that is rooted in cognitive psychology and to a lesser extent, behavioral psychology. 
  1. naive conception
  2. assimilation and accommodating
  3. contributions of neuroscience
Chapter 3.  
Discovery seeks explanations based on observations, evidence and reflection

Discovery learning=connect to past and future; interactive learning
Inquiry=careful and systematic method of asking questions and seeking answers/explanations

Learning through inquiry means students construct knowledge through the processes of asking questions, seeking evidence, formulation explanations based on evidence and justifying their explanations. 

Learning to inquire-students become aware of and consciously apply the processess assoc with inquiry as part of their thinking strategies. 
Inquiry questions- 
  • information-seeking
  • wonderment question-proposed relationship between 2 variables
  • how does it work
  • how to solve a problem question
Use Models to represent their understanding
analyze and interpret data-display data
mathematical and computation thinking
construct explanations
obtaining evaluation and communication info

Inquiry skills
  1. descriptive models-
    • observing                    
    • using space/time relation
    • using measurement
    • questioning
    • classifying, impose order
  2. Explanatory model-
    • inferring-using logic to make assumptions from what we observe and question
    • hypothesizing-a proposed relationship put forth to explain a phenomenon.  (predictions=the basis for an experiment)
  3. Experimental Model
    • experiments test predictions
    • Predictions- spec. forcast of a future observation or event.  Based on observation measurement and inferences about relationship betw. variable

  • Identifying Variables=factors that can make a difference in an investigation
  • independent variable-variable being tested
  • dependent variable-change that is measured 
  • controlled variable -effect of one variable all other factors must stay the same, only ind & dependent variable change.
ex. 1. color of flower-independent
time, lighting, same butterflies-controlled.  

2. Bread in plastic bag in Room temp & in fridge...
how long till it molds?  temp(Independent changes), time (dependent), Bread & bag are same (controlled).

4. Interpreting Data-
  • finding patterns and trends based on the data collected in an investigation. 

1 comment:

  1. What a thorough breakdown of this content! I am so impressed by the graphics you chose to include that really make this material clear and easy to understand.


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