Wednesday, September 11, 2019

5-E Learning Cycle & Videos

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5-E Learning Cycle:

The 5-E learning model is an instructional model that encompasses the 5 phases of learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.  These steps are utilized in science instruction as a student-led and inquiry-based learning.  The teacher helps guide the students through questions, investigations, experiences and research, but in the end, the students arrive at a deeper understanding of fundamental scientific concepts.  This is a natural way that people solve problems in everyday life. Once you read about it, it makes perfect sense to teach science by using these phases and to inform students of the phases they are working in. It really breaks down the research and passively teaches students of fundamentals of scientific research.   

Engage: Connect what students already know from past and present experiences.  Helps to create interest & generates curiosity.  Teachers ask question, show interest in something or  poses a problem to begin the scientific concept. 

Explore: One ore more real experience with one or more actual experiences.  Students will usually work in groups.  This phase allows opportunity for creative thinking and skill development.  Students learn to make record observations.  The students do the investigating while teachers are only the facilitators.   

Explain:  Students make sense of data and can describe their observations and come up with explanations & predictions.  Students develop vocabulary, apply & interpret evidence, listen critically to others, and learn to defend what they have observed.

Elaborate:  Students use information to propose solutions & extend learning to new situations.  This allows students to broaden their understandings to new ideas.

Evaluate:  Students learn to demonstrate understanding of a concept or skill & evaluate their progress.  Not only can teachers assess what a student has learned, but a student can evaluate their own progress. 

Elementary Inquire Science is important because it 
  • Lays a foundation for learning. 
  • develops skills related to investigation of a question
  • Evaluation of evidence
  • development of an explanation and communication on findings.
  • basic understanding of the nature of science


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