Sunday, September 15, 2019

Inquiry Learning Resource Articles


Inquiry Resources

Models, Strategies, & Methods Notes

Instructional Models-Models represent the broadest level of instructional practices and present a philosophical orientation to instruction.  
  • Used to select & structure teaching strategies, methods, skills & student activities.

Instructional Strategies-Determine approach teacher takes to achieve learning objections. Several strategies can be used within a model.
  • Direct-teacher directed
  • Indirect-student centered
  • interactive-2 way communication
  • independent-
  • Experiential-learning center, activity orientated
Methods-most specific ways of creating learning environments
  • Specifying the nature of the activity in which the teacher & learner will be involved to achieve goals.

explicit teaching, compare/contrast
demonstration, guides for reading
concept mapping, problem solving, Inquiry, reading for meaning
debates, role playing, brainstorming, peer practice
field trip, experiments, focused imaging, role playing, games
computer assoc games, essay, homework, research project, learning centers

   Inquiry Slides  click here

Inquiry Learning Cycle Articles

1. What is Inquiry?                                              

Image result for question marks gifReflection:  This article was rather fun to read.  Asking for the definition of "Inquiry" is a pleasant thought.  My personal definition was along the same lines that they discussed.  -Inquiry is using curiosity for the baseline of learning.  Focusing a topic that is interesting for the student and gets them engaged makes learning more enjoyable.  The student can explore the topic allowing them to understand what they are observing, perhaps recalling on past experiences to understand their experiment or scientific concepts more.-  Inquiry is a process of exploration which is guided by personal interest or question.  The exploration can create new pathways where learners can discover meaningful concepts and understandings.  I like the statement describing "Inquiry" as "highly personalized way" of learning.  Curiosity is important, and humans are naturally curious.  Building on that idea, inquiry can build on leaning by seeking, obtaining, and making meaning from answers.
I like the introduction, when building the meaning for Inquiry, create a concept map.  This tool is useful in crating diagrams that illustrate the relationships and interconnections of concepts for a particular topic/idea.  Concept maps help students to negotiate meaning, organize ideas, and become more effective learners by utilizing linking words to connect and illustrate relationships.

Inquiry-based learning: ask testable questions, create & carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, draw conclusions & construct explanations that promote a deep understanding of fundamentals of science. I also believe that students need real experiences experimenting with science.  More hands one investigating allows students to learn through student-led experiments.

Myth 1: Teaching science through inquiry means students discover science ideas on their own 
  • Inquiry learning is scofolding, guiding students throught the process.

Myth 2:  Teaching science through inquiry is achieved merely through hands-on activities 
  • yes, it is hands-on learning but also "minds-on learning".  it is important for students to be engaged in their learning. 

Myth 3:  Teaching science through inquiry is chaotic
  • there are multiple forms of assessments through out the investigation.  the teacher is the facilitator and helps guide students learning.

Myth 4:  Teaching science through inquiry is not an efficient use of time
  • It does take longer, but utilizes the core concepts of scientific research and understanding.  

Myth 5:  Teaching science through inquiry is only for some students 
  • Struggling students need more concrete experiences and contact with teachers, Inquiry learning emphasizes this concept.

Myth 6:  Teaching science through inquiry does not promote college and career readiness 
  • institutions are putting more of an emphasis on critical thinking and inquiry to develop essential 21st century skills in their graduates.
This is what I have learned from this article.  It helped to build a better understanding, she the pros & cons of what people think of Inquiry based learning.  

Reflection:  "Inquiry is a set of interrelated processes by which scientists and students pose questions about the natural world and investigate phenomena; in doing so, students acquire knowledge and develop a rich understanding of concepts, principles, models, and theories."  Great intro!  
This article is actually very useful.  I have saved it for further review, it breaks down each idea and provides rich descriptions as well as consistencies and inconsistencies of teaching.  When studying Inquiry teaching, it appears to be a natural way to engage students into learning, but this is only one strategy in the education curriculum and will have it's benifits and its negative points.  

4. 5E Learning Cycle

This document is short and sweet with only the essentials on it.  
Here the task is introduced. Connections to past learning and experience can be invoked. A demonstration of an event, the presentation of a phenomenon or problem or asking pointed questions can be used to focus the learners' attention on the tasks that will follow. The goal is to spark their interest and involvement.
Learners should take part in activities that allow them to work with materials that give them a 'hands on' experience of the phenomena being observed. Simulations or models whose parameter can be manipulated by learners, so that they can build relevant experiences of the phenomena, can be provided. Questioning, sharing and communication with other learners should be encouraged during this stage. The teacher facilitates the process.
The focus at this stage is on analysis. The learner is encouraged to put observations, questions, hypotheses and experiences from the previous stages into language. Communication between learners and learner groups can spur the process. The instructor may choose to introduce explanations, definitions, mediate discussions or simply facilitate by helping learners find the words needed.
Using the understanding gained in the previous stages, now learners should be encouraged build and expand upon it. Inferences, deductions, and hypotheses can be applied to similar or real-world situations. Varied examples and applications of concepts learnt strengthen mental models and provide further insight and understanding.
Evaluation should be ongoing and should occur at all stages, in order to determine that learning objectives have been met and misconceptions avoided. Any number of rubrics, checklists, interviews, observation or other evaluation tools can be used. If interest in a particular aspect or concept is shown, further inquiry should be encouraged and a new cycle can begin that builds upon the previous one. Inquiries may branch off and inspire new cycles, repeating the process in a spiralling fractal of interrelated concepts, where instruction is both structured and yet open to investigation.

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