Monday, September 16, 2019

Scientific Method

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A series of steps or process used to explore, observe and provide answers to questions.
Steps of the Scientific Method

Love this video/song on Scientific Method.  Keeping for my future class. 

Steps of the Scientific Method

Steps of the Scientific Method


The Scientific Method 
BrainPop is a fun interactive exploration tool used to teach a concept.  It involved multiple frames of learning, such as videos, provided vocabulary, games, ability to make a movie,  quiz, etc to engage students and provide alternative ways to learn content matter.  I have never used it or seen it (as I'm sure there are a lot of resources I have yet to discover) but this tool is a definite keeper.  I explored through the site and learned quite a bit about the scientific method and did very well on the quiz.  This too will be placed and saved in my "future classroom file".

I enjoyed Robert Full's Ted Talk.  It reminded me of a lesson I was part of with a small class using a Scholastic Newsletter about how nature has helped to influence many amazing inventions that humans have learned to rely on.  The kids were really engaged.  It took a topic that young children were naturally interested in-nature/animals- and compared it to things that we use everyday and how it was created.  There are lots of resources out there for this subject.  I have included a video that could be shown.  Robert Full's study falls right into this.  He was able to take a question, engage the students, research, form hypothesis and really test it.  This study lead to an incredible break through in research and technology.  
I have attached a video of nature inspired technology that fits along with science discoveries 

Wonder & Wow
Please write your reflections, commentaries on your blogs and reference the sources whenever possible.

3 things you discovered
1.  The opportunity to see example questions put to the scientific method process has been very helpful in understanding the steps taken to discovery. I have learned the steps, but the connections have not been strong. Providing students with the opportunity to work through it will be a stronger educations tool.

2. The scientific method does not have a standard amount of steps. The concepts are there, but depending on the level of the students, the method can be broken into 5-9 processes. Example: conclusion can be the end, or report findings, analysis can be its own step or combined.

3. The first step of discovery is the question, observation or problem. The question must be testable. Often this is just the wording or take on the question.

2 interesting facts or details
1. The Scientific Method has been used and adopted by the science community for a long time and has become the founding tool for discovery

2. One of the most important features of the scientific method is its repeatability. The experiments performed to prove a working hypothesis must clearly record all details so that others may replicate them and eventually allow the hypothesis to become widely accepted.

1 question you still have-click on Padlet

Show What You Know!

Take our Kahoot! 

see my business proposal for
the Scientific Method here...

Soule Power Exploration! Piktochart

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kendra,

    I agree with you, I love that video/song on the scientific method and keeping it as well for my future classroom. I love when I sub and the teacher leaves a Scholastic Newsletter for me to present to the class, not only does it keep them engage, but it promotes inquiry! I thoroughly enjoyed the video you included on nature inspired technology. The video was so informative and eye opening, I will somehow incorporate that video into a lesson as a future educator.


Commenting Reports

Commenting Reports Responding to my colleagues blogs is an important tool for blogging. A blog is an outlet for us to relay information ...