Sunday, November 17, 2019

Physical Science Chapter 16-18

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Physical Science
Matter and MotionChapter 16

This is were science lost me.  Physical science has so many concepts, terminology that still boggles my mind.  Teaching these concepts have always been a direct (learn and memorize) instruction base.  More inquiry-base instruction and cooperative learning to help engage and encourage students to learn.  

 kinetic molecular theory* chemical change*chemical changes*elements, compounds and mixtures*parts of an atom*nuclear energy

newton's law*gravity & motion*jet & rocket engines*flight*

Energies and Machines
Chapter 17

How Energy is Transferred
Conservation of energy*Energy Transfer

Electrical Energy
static electricity*current electricity*

Sound Energy
Light Energy
Heat Energy

Physical Science Lesson Ideas
Chapter 18

Like I've said, science lessons were always so boring and overwhelming.  This chapter does provide many examples os inquiry-base instruction where students can apply there understandings and experience to new content.  Hands on experiences are a critical element for student learning.  WebQuest, experiments, projects, and discovery centers are great examples.  


1 comment:

  1. It seems as if we have the same feelings regarding these chapters and our feelings towards physical science. Remembering terms and using them correctly was always a challenge for me. The terminology and concepts seems never to be never ending in my opinion, and can be rather overwhelming for students to learn through a direct lesson. Incorporating fun yet effective and hands on approaches to these terms would be more beneficial for younger students to make connections and remember specific terms.


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