Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Earth Science: Chapter 10-12

Earth & Space Sciences

chapter 10
Earth's Surface, Atmosphere, & Weather
There are so many wonderful lessons to be taught about earth.  
Earth Surface, rocks, minerals, fossils, Rock cycle, land mass, 
Oceans, continental shelf
Model of the center of the earth.  styrofoam & paper mache

volcano with diagram of the inside of a volcano for labeling vocabulary 
Earth's atmosphere & weather-water in the atmosphere, violent weather, weather prediction, meteorologist, climage change and global warming

This is one of my favorite topics! I look forward to teaching students about the wonders of our world, and how it has changed from the beginning to continually changing.  

chapter 11  
The Cosmos

What is the Universe, ad how was it formed?
This subject has changed so dramatically since I was a child.  There are more then 9 planets, and one of those planets is not even considered a planet anymore!! 

 topic subjects: big Bang Theory, Magnetars, Quasars, pulsars, & black holes, galaxies, constellations, the sun, the solar systems, the moon, planets, meteors, comets, asteroids.
Image result for solar systems projectsImage result for solar systems projects

Exploring the first steps of space; the space launch, there is a field trip that local schools take that have an exhibit about the launch.  There is a lot that can be done with this topic.  

Chapter 12
lesson Ideas
This chapter reflects on probes-determining what the students already know
probes-basic questions and simple activities that get children thinking and talking about particular topics.  Probes are great ways to get children talking engaging prior knowledge.  It's also a great way for teachers to assess what they my know.     
Starter Ideas for weather:  Weather Predictions,
Question: How do we know a storm is coming?
Unit overview: students identify the forms of technology used by meteorologists and build a model of at least one instrument used to gather weather observations. 

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