Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Read it! Chapter 7 Engineering

Integrating Science and Engineering

Science & ELA
  • Science, Engineering and ELA can be integrated together as they cut across disciplines and are useful in understanding concepts.  
  • Trade Books or textual resources are important to engage students and motivate them to think in inquiry-based research.  Trade books are not fictional stories on a topic or even text books, they focus on scientific adventures, the lives of scientists and science careers and provide factual material about stars,  planets, dolphins, etc.  
  • Crossing subject matter barriers using language arts as the bridge is creative and effective. 

  1. Literature-Based integration
  2. Theme-based integration
  3. Project-based integration
Image result for flashing arrowLanguage arts teaching strategies can be easily adapted to enrich and extend children's science experiences.  Writing stories along with a science topic.  My daughters had to create a story that went along with the concepts of gas, liquid, and solids.  One story was of an ice-cube who melted and froze and evaporated.  The second daughter wrote about a busy bee fly everywhere (that symbolized gas), then as the bees met each other and were moving less (liquid) then bees made a hive that was small so they could barely move (solid).  These stories helped them to understand the concept better and put it in different context.  It also helped them to use specific vocabulary associated with the subject matter.  

Science/Engineering & Math
  • Computational Skills
  • Data Collection and Expression
  • Logical reasoning skills
  • As students become more proficient in seeking explanations based on evidence, math will give students the tools to see patterns and express relationships.  
Science/Engineering & Social Studies
  • Social issues provide contexts that often make the need for explanations or solutions to problems purposeful.  
  • ex. designing user-friendly recycling bins demands an awareness of social issues, scientific principles, and engineering design for integration. 

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