Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Read it! Chapters 5 & 6

Chapter 5
Creating Science workspace

  • discovery stations
  • adding some life to the classroom eg. aquarium, plants
  • consider other senses e.g sound of ocean, jungle, woodlands
  • distributing materials 
  • providing work areas
  • providing clear directions
  • create routines
Encourage science talk
  • questioning strategies
    • convergent-get children to think in ways that focus on basic knowledge
    • divergent-think about a # of alternative answers
    • evaluative-gets students to offer a judgement based on some critera
  • wait-time/think time strategies
    • give time 
    • partner share
  • Fostering active listening strategies
  • science talk and the science circle
    • recap, redirect, re-voice, restate
Encourage Collaboration
  • teach social and small group skills
Chapter 6
Assessment of Understanding and Inquiry
Formative Assessments
Summative Assessments

Assessment Strategies
  • Prompt and Rubric
  • performance assessments
  • portfolios
  • Science journals
  • Affective Development Checklists
  • Science Conferences with Children
  • Science probes
  • Concept mapping
  • Self Assessments
  • End of chapter assignment
  • quizzes
  • unit tests
  • Research Reports 
  • Activity write ups

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